Location: MKZ Kanzlei, 8004 Zurich
Door opening: 5.45 p.m.
Start: 6.00 p.m.
Admission: free with collection
Opening Concert
Swing/Bop of Wes Montgomery and Grant Green
Liex Reerink guit
Michel Munch b
Ueli Spörri dr
Opening Concert
Fiesta Street Horns
tp Arno Koller
tp Urs Brändle
as Fabrizia Garbagnati
ts Urs Frei
ts Alesch Stählin
tb Fritz Nobs
pan Walter Chiment
tba Jürg Spörri
prc Andreas Brunhart
dr Matthias Lienhard
prc Heribel Izquierdo
tb Lukas Briggen coach